Sunday 9 March 2014


I had a bit of a thought this morning as I was pondering the photo for the day. I set up two bloggs, I know madness, the idea was to do my own proper one using wordpress and the web site I actually have and for some reason a blogspot one, well as usual I'm a bit lazy so the blogspot one was simple to set up. Now part of this challenge is to do things properly and blogspot is ok but not really what I want. So it's migration time!

I've moved all my posts to and all have to ask is that from now on you look there for my blogging!


Saturday 8 March 2014

Day 67

Busy at work today but in the interest of keeping up with the photo a day I thought about it and took a photo early on. For me this project is really about taking that photo each day and because of that I'm starting to find my style. I'm loving the black and white I'm doing at the moment. Even being restricted on lens and EV is not really causing too much hassle. I think that's because I started out many years ago with my trusty Canon FTB shooting black and white with only a 50mm lens on it so it's almost a comfort for me to be back in that position. The beauty of the digital age is the flexibility of RAW back in the days you could push the processing in the dark room but the digital stuff gives so much flexibility in contrast and brightness.



Friday 7 March 2014

Day 66

Day off in sunny Ireland. Now normally I'd be out with my camera with my collection of lenses snapping hundreds of shots of mountains trees green stuff and the like, but thanks to this lent thing I'm stuck with my 35mm lens.
I did go out for a walk though and snapped a couple of nice pictures of the local church and a fairly nice one of a bit of railing but nothing special.
It was a close run thing to me putting in a filler when as I was walking back up the stairs I saw the chandelier. I held the camera at arms length and snapped this photo.
Having a limited choice is a most astounding thing sometimes as it really makes you look around!!

Thursday 6 March 2014

Day 65

Day 3 of my doing without for lent.
To be honest I'm really enjoying it! It's fun not worrying about EV and lens choice. I'm just looking about and thinking hmmm nice texture, or nice lead lines etc.
So today it was a work day and as I was waiting for some stuff to turn up I started looking about and saw this old valve. I moved in close enough to fill the frame but leave some context in. Converted in Lightroom.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Day 64

It's day 2 of the minimum kit lent fest for me and it was interesting that I took very few pictures. I stopped at this bay on my way to the ferry today and wandered up the beach and because I had limited options I had to have a firm idea as to what I was going for.

I did look at cropping the image but only after I had posted it on the other site. I think I could have done a bit more with the right crop but that's another lesson learnt!



Tuesday 4 March 2014

A bit of clarification.

I was reading a magazine and it had an article about a photographer called Giacomo Brunelli. He has been taking photos in London for the last two years all in black and white. Not unusual so far but the really cool thing is he uses an old camera set at f1.8 and 1/1000 of a second with a 50mm lens.

This got me to thinking I have so much choice when taking a photo may be I should get back to basics. And as it's lent for the next 40 days I'm going to give it a go I've left all my gear at home and have travelled with my D7000 body and my 35mm f1.8 lens. Put my camera on to manual set the F stop to 1.8 and shutter to 1/1000.

I've found it quite liberating not worrying about what lens etc. and having to think about the limits of the exposure is quite a challenge but allows for interesting processing of the photos.

Well here's to the next 40 days it's going to be a blast!


Day 63

So it's the beginning of lent tomorrow so I thought I should give up something for 40 days to push the photography a bit further and push the creative in me. I was reading a B&W photo magazine about a photographer called Giacomo Brunelli he is in London and takes photos with a 50mm lens at 1/1000 and f1.8 in black and white. Well that's giving up a whole lot so here goes the next 40 days are going to be interesting to say the least!!

Here's the first effort I'm actually happy with the way it's turned out and really like the lack of focus on the hound.